Or rather, ex RMMer's wedding....
RMMers past and present were all there to celebrate ex RMMer Jarvis 'Ngow Lou' Yim's wedding.

BOOM Jo - Team Manager

Mr and Mrs Ngow Lou with RMMers

RMMs scouting network is far and wide.... with Kito San based in Japan

RMMs cash - set aside to induce parents into breaking their children's contract with other clubs to join RMM

Budget cuts have forced RMM into downsizing the goalkeeping department
*Note that the 2 in the middle are the current keepers and the 2 on the sides were the ex keepers

The safest pair of hands in RMM striking a pose

Ngow Low with Boom Jo and Danny

RMMers in full attack mode

Pro footballers always enjoy their night out.....

The essential pro footballer's liquid diet coupled with stamina aid

Partyman Eddie continues to plan with his bevy of women the after dinner party

Speedy showing off his goalkeeping moves

Boom Jo and Iceman enjoying a quiet drink

Some RMMers swore this resembled a team mate.....

The ever so cool Iceman chilling out

Danny was obviously not very stimulated by the intellectual conversations around him....

.....forcing Speedy to bring his stories from his alternative universe somewhere else
Good to see many familiar faces! Great shots Shark!
Shots done by Boom Jo.. I art direct and upload only ;)
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