The ref checking out Guvnor's Saturday Night Fever moves

Iceman with his version of Limbo Rock

Foo and his Chicken Dance

Fleet footed Superstar Batigol with his POWERSHOT

Shark showing his Cha Cha moves (and bald spot)
Pictures courtesy of Mr and Mrs Beng Koh
Foo's chicken dance fails to impress the opponent in the background... hahaha!
u sure u guys were sober???
What's the guys number in picture 1? Kinda Cute.......:-)
Er....... that'll be 019-3322something or rather. Unless you are into authority figures, and was referring to the one in yellow! In that case, we'll save you from obvious peril. Or if you are a guy, and into men in yellow, then please indicate so...... we may be able to help after all.......Otherwise, for all enquiries on player availability, please send queries to the team’s manager: Boom Jo. She makes decisions on RMM squad matters off the field.
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