Post more comical goalkeeping from RMMs keepers over the weekend, the guvnor has decided to do a poll and wrote the below...
The Goal Keeper position over the past year or so has been used as a “rehab centre”, as a “punishment for being late” position, also as a “if you really want to play a full game, play one half as a keeper” to being a position for outfield players to use to catch their breath.
Lets hear how you feel about this position?
1) Continue to use goal keeper position for the above reasons.
2) Get a real keeper dedicated to the RMM ethos.
3) I’m (YOU THE READER!) the keeper you all want.
The Guvnor wants to know.
I don't think I wrote down option 3 as an option. Since I've gotten myself a pair of flashy silver puma boots, I might install myself as a target man instead.
I'm for option 2.
actually i didn't realize we stopped looking for a regular keeper... just that we haven't found one.
of coz given a choice, a RMM brand of GK is always prefered...
Firstly, an addendum on option 3, note that the 'I' on that option is meant as you the reader and not 'I' the author. The option has been revised since. Apologies.
As I’ve said before, given my current fitness level and the physical shape I am in, I don’t mind being the 1st half keeper. It gives me ample time to warm my gloves up and and also warm up thru the 1st half. Then I can be unleashed to tired opponents in the 2nd half!
Note that I do reserve the right to play outfield for entire games against crap teams (although going by current form, there are no such teams!)
Having said that, I do share Guvnor’s concerns that most of the 2nd half keepers are merely there to make up the numbers both physically and also mentally, meaning their mind is actually not in it. What we then end up with is goalkeepers running away from the ball, pushing the ball into the net, flapping around like chickens, etc.
What we need is someone who will take it seriously for @ least 1 half and is willing to do it on a regular basis la…
this year we already have 3 comical blunders still fresh in my memory...
1. Foo's outrageous flapping n completely missing the ball
2. Archi's ball thru his hands n between his legs routine
3. Jeff's invitation to an open goal antics
hey mallat-lohs, nice posts and read..
on the topic, i'd go for option 2 - get a proper keeper, that's if we can get one and if only we want to dish out some inspired and motivated performances. But if it's just a typical sunday kick-a-bout for most, then heck, can't complain too much with makeshifts...
having said the above and just for the record, i'll always state that if we want to continue playing, we should play like champions, thus get a proper keeper. If not, overtime, i think we will loose motivation, spirit and character...
I agree with Option 2 too.
Goalkeeper does not just stop balls from going in but also the souce of all confidence. When the outfield players (esp. defence) know that they have someone steady to back them up, RMM may have a REAL & DECENT chance to win another league title.
Try poaching a keeper from our opponents, especially those crap teams but with a decent keeper. I am sure they want to sign for a better team.
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